The ACE-WIL Awards Committee is responsible for administering the award process for: The Outstanding Contribution Award, The Student of the Year Awards and Industry Partner of the Year Award. This resource pack includes a handbook for organizing the awards as well as the associated nomination forms.

ACE-WIL Awards Committee Handbook
This handbook outlines the deliverables of the Awards Committee and includes instructions for: reviewing and updating award forms, guidelines and frameworks in reaction to changes in WIL in BC, enhancing the effectiveness of the awards to communicate the success of WIL across BC, promoting the... Read More »

Nomination Forms

ACE-WIL BC /Yukon is looking to recognize students that participated in work-integrated learning (WIL) and you can help! The four awards recognize a college and a university student participating in co-operative education, and a college and a university student participating in other forms of work-integrated learning. Each of the four winning students, their institutions, and partner... Learn more »
The Outstanding Contribution Award recognizes those ACE-WIL members for significant contributions or initiatives in promoting and developing the quality of co-operative education and work-integrated learning in practitioners’ institutions and/or within British Columbia. Learn more »
This Award recognizes those ACE-WIL industry partners that have demonstrated a strong commitment to co-operative education or work integrated learning, through the support and hiring of co-op/WIL students and/or have shown a high level of overall support of our association through specific partnerships. The Industry Partner of the Year will be recognized with a plaque, gift and letter of... Learn more »