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Learn why hiring the Best and Brightest Talent in BC / Yukon can be a great move for your business.

300+WIL Programs
25Post-Secondary Institutions

Connecting with WIL students

There are many ways a work-integrated learning – or WIL – student can make a positive difference in your organization. Whether it’s practical help to support your business needs or a more altruistic goal to support post-secondary students gain work experience, working with a WIL student is a win-win.

Get started

Ready to get started with a work-integrated learning student? Check out our resources.

Get funding

Would a wage subsidy help you to hire a work-integrated earning student? Check out our list.

Learn about WIL

What is work-integrated learning? You know more than you think. We can explain.

Why Hire a WIL Student?

Benefits of Hiring a WIL Student

When you hire a work-integrated learning (WIL) student, you invest in the next generation while bringing quality talent to your company at a reasonable cost.

Post an Opportunity Get funding


Supplement existing staff during peak periods and temporary leaves

New Ideas

Bring in a new perspective and fresh ideas to your organization

Build Your Brand

Market your organization to potential future employees

Succession Planning

Assess new talent for future recruitment after graduation

Professional Development

Develop the leadership potential of your existing staff


Receive support and assistance from WIL staff at post-secondary institutions.

5 top tips for successfully recruiting students in a virtual world

With the potential of economic recovery heading into fall, it would be smart to start looking at how to recruit the best in post-secondary student talent now. Whether you’re looking to get a student onboard as part of a work-integrated learning opportunity or hire a soon-to-be graduate…

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5 top tips for successfully recruiting students in a virtual world

2019 ACE-WIL Industry Partner of the Year

ACE-WIL BC/Yukon is pleased to announce RebalanceMD as the 2019 Industry Partner of the Year for their ongoing commitment to providing highly sought after, valuable and unique learning opportunities for students since 2013. RebalanceMD has hired co-operative education and work integrated learning students at both the graduate and undergraduate levels…
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