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COVID-19 Resources

ACE-WIL BC/Yukon recognizes the challenging situation that COVID-19 has created for our partners in work-integrated learning. Our work is impacted daily as governments, institutions and employers react and respond to Health Authority directives.

During this time, post-secondary institutions across BC and the Yukon are diligently working to help workplaces navigate the recruiting, onboarding, placement, managing and evaluating of work-integrated learning students, and to advise on options for funding and wage subsidies, so that you can continue to meet your organization’s needs and goals while providing opportunities for students.

We appreciate the ongoing efforts of our partners, as you’ve quickly adapted to provide safeguards, flexibility and support for your work-integrated learning students.

Resources from ACE-WIL BC/Yukon

This special COVID-19 toolkit contains four tipsheets for workplaces, covering how to #GetWILPowered by engaging a WIL student, recruiting and onboarding remotely, managing WIL students remotely, and bringing WIL students into the workplace. As well, there are three tipsheets to share with WIL students you bring into your organization: tips for working remotely, working safely and getting work... Learn more »
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, governments have announced changes to funding programs which means more funding, faster access to the funding and more flexibility. These are the latest updates, as of June 1, 2020. Learn more »
If you’re considering hiring a work-integrated learning student for your organization, you may be eligible for one or more Federal and BC funding resources, including grants and wage subsidies. Learn more »

5 top tips for successfully recruiting students in a virtual world

With the potential of economic recovery heading into fall, it would be smart to start looking at how to recruit the best in post-secondary student talent now. Whether you’re looking to get a student onboard as part of a work-integrated learning opportunity or hire a soon-to-be graduate…

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5 top tips for successfully recruiting students in a virtual world

Funding updates

Federal Government announces support for students and new grads affected by COVID-19
The Federal government announces support for post-secondary students and recent graduates by launching the Canada Emergency Student Benefit ($1250/$1750 per month), a new Canada Student Service Grant ($5000) and expanded programming to create up to 116,000 jobs, placements and training opportunities for students. Read More »
New SWPP Measures
UPDATED as of July 20, 2020. Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) joined CEWIL on Monday, April 6 to announce some temporary flexibility measures for Federal SWPP funding, to be delivered through existing SWPP partners. These measures are expected to be in place until March 2021. Additional measures were revealed late May and mid-July, 2020. Read More »
Innovate BC announces funding changes
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented effect on organizations of all types – especially when it comes to employment opportunities. We want to help B.C. companies by highlighting some opportunities that might help B.C. businesses looking to hire in the coming months. Read More »

ACE-WIL BC/Yukon - Initial Response and FAQ - Spring 2020

ACE-WIL BC/Yukon has gathered its board members and leaders to assess the situation regarding work-integrated learning (WIL) placements, including co-op work terms, for both the current term and for the upcoming Spring/Summer term which typically starts on May 1st. In almost 50 years of leading WIL, through various economic disruptions and world events, we have not experienced anything quite... Learn more »
Answers to the top questions we are hearing from employers and students, with links to institution-specific FAQs. Learn more »

COVID-19 Townhalls and Webinars

Video recording of the first ACE-WIL BC/Yukon virtual coffee/townhall on COVID-19, held March 31, 2020. Hosted by BCcampus. Learn more »
Summary of the key topics discussed at the first ACE-WIL BC/Yukon virtual coffee/townhall on COVID-19, held March 31, 2020. Hosted by BCcampus. Learn more »
Video recording of the second ACE-WIL BC/Yukon virtual townhall on COVID-19, held April 15, 2020. Guest panelists from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), Innovate BC, and the BC Public Service Agency. Hosted by BCcampus. Learn more »

Video recording of webinar “WIL: Funding Streams and Opportunities in times of COVID19”. Recorded on April 21, 2020. Learn more »
Video of "Let's talk about Virtual Internships", the third ACE-WIL BC/Yukon virtual townhall on COVID-19, held April 29, 2020. Guest panelists Breanne Stoudt (Human Resources Advisor at BCI), Jennifer Husband (Campus Program Manager at QuadReal Property Group), and Darelle Odo (Co-op Coordinator, Simon Fraser University). Hosted by BCcampus. Learn more »
Slides from "Let's talk about Virtual Internships", the third ACE-WIL BC/Yukon virtual townhall on COVID-19, held April 29, 2020. Guest panelists Breanne Stoudt (Human Resources Advisor at BCI), Jennifer Husband (Campus Program Manager at QuadReal Property Group), and Darelle Odo (Co-op Coordinator, Simon Fraser University). Hosted by BCcampus. Learn more »

Video of "Student Wellness", the fourth ACE-WIL BC/Yukon virtual townhall on COVID-19, held May 12, 2020. Guest panelists Dawn Schell (UVIC), Claire Clarke (Community Manager, CALM), and Robynne Devine (Project Manager, BCcampus). Hosted by BCcampus. Learn more »
Slides from "Let's talk about Student Wellness", the fourth ACE-WIL BC/Yukon virtual townhall on COVID-19, held May 12, 2020. Guest panelists Dawn Schell (Counsellor, University of Victoria), Claire Clark (Community Manager, CALM), and Robynne Devine (Project Manager, BCcampus). Hosted by BCcampus. Learn more »
Video of "Taking care of YOU", the fifth ACE-WIL BC/Yukon virtual townhall on COVID-19, held June 2, 2020. Guest panelists Sarah Chettleburgh (Counsellor, Royal Roads University) and Miranda Massie (Workplace Wellbeing Practices & Learning Consultant, UBC). Hosted by BCcampus. Learn more »

You’ve taken care of your family and your students through the COVID-19 crisis. We want to take care of you during this fun townhall. Two experts will give us tips on self-care: Sarah Chettleburgh (Counsellor, Royal Roads University) and Miranda Massie (Workplace Wellbeing Practices & Learning Consultant, UBC). Hosted by BCcampus. Learn more »
Video of "Planning the Online Pivot (Part 1) ", the sixth ACE-WIL BC/Yukon virtual townhall on COVID-19, held June 16, 2020. During this collaborative session members of ACE-WIL discussed challenges and strategies to pivot their preparatory courses online for the fall. The breakout room discussions were not recorded. Hosted by BCcampus. Learn more »
Slides from the shared Google Slides for "Planning the online pivot (Part 1)", the sixth ACE-WIL BC/Yukon virtual townhall on COVID-19, held June 16, 2020. Personal contact information has been removed. Hosted by BCcampus. Learn more »

Video of "Planning the Online Pivot (Part 2) ", the seventh ACE-WIL BC/Yukon virtual townhall on COVID-19, held June 30, 2020. During this collaborative session members of ACE-WIL discussed moving interviews to a virtual environment. Facilitated by ted by Lindsay Wood and Meg Thompson, co-chairs of the ACE-WIL Professional Development Committee. The breakout room discussions were not recorded.... Learn more »
Slides from "Planning the Online Pivot (Part 2) ", the seventh ACE-WIL BC/Yukon virtual townhall on COVID-19, held June 30, 2020. During this collaborative session members of ACE-WIL discussed moving interviews to a virtual environment. Facilitated by ted by Lindsay Wood and Meg Thompson, co-chairs of the ACE-WIL Professional Development Committee. The breakout room discussions were not recorded.... Learn more »

Resources from CEWIL Canada

CEWIL Canada - COVID-19 Resources
CEWIL Canada has compiled a number of resources to provide leadership and guidance to their members and community partners. Read More »

Spending the time to develop a thorough onboarding process can help alleviate some of the stress and questions a student may have as they begin a work-term or placement. When done correctly it can also help to quickly integrate the student into your work place culture, even while working remotely. Learn more »
Motivating and keeping your team ontrack while working remotely can be a challenge. For students on placements or work-terms it is also a time where they may feel unsure about how to connect and contribute to the team in a meaningful way. With a little effort and intention, supervising a student while working remotely can be a very rewarding experience for all. Learn more »

Student Resources

BCcampus has created a website "Adapting to COVID-19" with a specific focus on student supports, including links to wellness tools, financial relief, and staying safe, plus webinars, and online learning tips. Learn more »
This free service for post-secondary students is available through phone, web, or app, so you can connect with an experienced professional to discuss anything that is concerning you, from family tensions to feelings of isolation, and much more. Learn more »
These three special COVID-19 tipsheets for students share ideas for working remotely, working safely, and tips for getting work done: preparing your workspace, being clear about expectations, connecting, productivity tools and more. Learn more »

Other Resources and Links of Interest

Eduvation's Ken Steele has written a five-part series of blog posts on the strategic implications of COVID-19 for higher education. Learn more »
Since March 15, Brainstorm has been holding weekly townhalls to stay connected and discuss issues facing schools, students and employers. You will need to register to see past recordings, slides and chat logs, and to get alerts for upcoming sessions. Registration is free. Learn more »

Good news stories

#WILFromHome | Lauren Frost

Due to COVID-19, WIL students across the province have had to make the transition to working from home. It’s a difficult time for WIL students, many of whom are not able to work from home, are unsure about if they should return home not, or suddenly find themselves…
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#WILFromHome | Mary Ziel Boncajes

With the onset of COVID-19, WIL students across the province have had to make the transition to working from home. It’s a difficult time for them, given many are not able to work from home, are unsure about if they should return home not, or suddenly find themselves with unexpected…
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#WILFromHome | Maria Tarasyuk

Surviving the Shift to Remote Work By: Maria Tarasyuk | Arts & Communication Co-op Special Projects Assistant Hi, my name is Maria and I’m currently doing a Co-op as a Special Projects Assistant with SFU Communication Co-op. I bet none of us expected it was coming: all of a sudden…
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