Post-secondary institutions and practitioners within the ACE-WIL community are engaging in various initiatives, programs and experiences that align with and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). This resource pack includes resources to support the aims of the UN SDGs.

SDG Resources

Learning and Teaching the SDGs (Rhianna Nagel, Anya Hall, Ken Josephson with video clips from Crystal Tremblay and Matt Hukuluck)
On November 21st, 2022, and building on our Spring PD workshop, the ACE-WIL community participated in a workshop facilitated by UVic’s CEL Office and Map Shop, with support from CIFAL Victoria and UVic libraries. Members identified which SDGs are relevant in their work with students and began to... Read More »
United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UN Goals)
At the centre of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, are the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). The UN SDG’s outline work that needs to happen around the world to create a sustainable future for our planet... Read More »
Making the Global Personal: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in WIL and Career Curricula (Dr. Candy Ho)
On May 4, 2022 the ACE-WIL community was fortunate to host Dr. Candy Ho, who delivered an engaging, enlightening and impactful learning and development session for WIL practitioners. Dr. Ho encouraged members to contemplate how the 17 SDG’s support the planet, people, prosperity, peace and... Read More »
CIFAL Victoria
The University of Victoria and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) established CIFAL Victoria (International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders), one of 24 UN training centres for government authorities and connected to a global network of UN hubs. CIFAL... Read More »
University of Victoria UN SDG Initiatives
The University of Victoria’s (UVic) Co-op and Career Services website showcases initiatives, programs and experiences that contribute to the UN SDGs. Additionally, UVic’s Co-op and Career team report on how co-op employers are engaging with SDGs in addition to highlighting the number of... Read More »

We are looking for additional resources!

Please get in touch with the Meg Thompson (Chair, PD Committee) at if you have additional resources that showcase initiatives, programs and experiences that contribute to the UN SDGs.