Andrea Sator and Nancy Johnston led a workshop introducing their Supporting the WIL Student Journey.The purpose of this session was to share information about a new professional development opportunity, called “The ACE-WIL Practitioner’s Professional Development: Supporting the WIL Student Journey.”

Event Recording: ACE-WIL BC/YUKON May 2023 PD event: Supporting the WIL Student Journey
This is the recording from the ACE-WIL practitioner’s PD “Supporting the WIL Student Journey”, where Andrea Sator, SFU and Nancy Johnson shared their curriculum through engagement and dialogue. Read More »
Slide Deck: ACE-WIL BC/YUKON May 2023 PD event: Supporting the WIL Student Journey
This is the slide deck from the ACE-WIL practitioner's PD "Supporting the WIL Student Journey", where Andrea Sator, SFU and Nancy Johnson shared their curriculum through engagement and dialogue. Read More »
Course: Supporting the WIL Student Journey (ACE-WIL BC/YUKON May 2023 PD event)
Andrea Sator and Nancy Johnston led a workshop introducing their Supporting the WIL Student Journey. The purpose of this session was to share information about a new professional development opportunity, called “The ACE-WIL Practitioner’s Professional Development: Supporting the WIL Student... Read More »