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Sponsorships and partnerships to get your organization recognized

ACE-WIL’s 2024 Conference “WILful together” will bring together Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning practitioners from 25 institutions across British Columbia, for an exceptional learning and networking opportunity. Attracting and retaining talent is now a top priority for many organizations, and co-op or work-integrated learning is a direct pipeline to your future workforce.

Partnering with ACE-WIL 2024 is an exciting opportunity for you to connect with this emergent talent pool and get your organization recognized. Your contribution and participation at this conference is a prime opportunity to engage, connect, and establish strategic partnerships with Co-op and WIL Programs at institutions across British Columbia.

Please review our partnership package and we hope you will consider partnering with us at WILful Together 2024.

WILFul Together 2024 Partnership Package

Contact us

Reach out to learn more about the opportunities that will soon be available and to share your interest in sponsoring this exciting event.

Anita Budisa-Bonneau
Sponsorship Co-Chair