This project provides an in-depth analysis of the data and feedback practices of ACE-WIL BC/Yukon post-secondary institutions across the lower mainland. The analysis shows that several approaches are used to obtain data about various stakeholders and practices regarding Work-Integrated Learning.

Project Information

Institution(s): Simon Fraser University
Status: Complete
Project Dates: March 15, 2021 — July 2, 2021
Project Contact:
Andrea Sator
Project Contributors:
Paran Sarma, Justin Lau
This report provides an in-depth analysis of the data and feedback practices of the ACE-WIL BC/Yukon post-secondary institutions that responded to this project. The analysis shows that several approaches are used to obtain data about various stakeholders and practices regarding Work-Integrated Learning. Read More »

Comparison of all responses and unique institutions

Out of the 34 responses, there were a few participants from the same university/college. 15 responses were selected as part of a unique institutional response. These unique responses are compared against the 34 responses obtained during the survey.

Comparison of University and College response

The survey results are also analyzed for responses from university and the college perspective. 8 universities and 7 college responses are compared and the results are detailed below.