Lena Price is an active, socially engaged student in her third year studying Political Science, Public Administration, and Human Dimensions of Climate Change at the University of Victoria. Her study in these three disciplines has given Lena a strong understanding of the connections between theory, policy, and practice, informing her work on social and environmental issues. Her passion for these important concerns are a core part of everything Lena does, from her volunteer work at the BC Legislature to campaigning with the University of Victoria Student Society.

Lena completed two work terms with the BC Public Service, where she was responsible for planning and coordinating the corporate co-op program for all BC Public Service employees. This role complemented Lena’s love for project management and helping others, and she had a great time helping others make the most of their co-op experience. Lena is most thankful for the connections and relationships she made during her co-op terms.

Lena has used her experience in co-op to build an enviable resume and portfolio. Lena is exactly the kind of student you hope to have in your program: works diligently, responsive and communicative; takes ownership of her work and exceeds expectations; volunteers to be an ambassador before you even have to ask. Lena’s ability to make the most of every opportunity is a valuable characteristic. Congratulations Lena.