Join your WIL colleagues from across the province for a chance to connect, with breakout rooms for networking along with updates from ACE-WIL and across BC.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a full year since our first Townhall in March of last year. We were all scrambling as we found ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic. None of us could have anticipated how much our world would be changed forever.

One constant has been our strong WIL community. We’ve been able to share our struggles and our victories, and we’ve been able to count on each other for support along the way.

Let’s take some time for ourselves, to reconnect and look ahead together during our next Townhall, hosted once again by our friends at BCcampus.

  •     Date: Tuesday, March 30
  •     Time: 12 noon to 1 pm
  •     Location: Via Zoom through BCcampus

Register now or check out the event page at BCcampus.