Claudia Sperling, UVicClaudia has played a significant leadership role promoting co-operative education locally, provincially and now on a national scale and is committed to preaching the value work integrated learning opportunities provides our communities.

She has been a long-time advocate of supporting students, employers and professionals in our field by clearly articulating the benefits of WIL and supporting those learning in this type of environment.

While President of ACE BC/Yukon Claudia led the organization through many changes and participated in planning and executing a number of conferences and PD events.

For much of 2016 and 2017 Claudia was co-chair of the extremely successful May 2017 Better Together joint conference between ACE/CAFCE/CACEE. Claudia was masterful at project management keeping three associations and countless committee members on task and on time to deliver a stellar conference.

Upon completion of her term as ACE President she volunteered to keep the association’s accounts and membership intact by providing a smooth transition taking over as the new ACE BC/Yukon Treasurer / Business Officer.

Now as President of the new Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning Canada or CEWIL, Claudia is steering the membership in new directions advocating with governments and other associations as needed. The Board was thrilled to recognize Claudia for her many years of hard work, enthusiasm and dedication to co-operative education in our province and now Work Integrated Learning.

Congratulations Claudia and thank-you for your tireless commitment to Work Integrated Learning!