Helena Prins, BC Campus

Helena has been contributing her time, energy, and ideas to the ACE-WIL Professional Development committee since 2017-2018. When Helena left her post at Royal Roads University and moved to BC Campus in 2019, she continued her involvement on the committee and brought BC Campus in as a new member institution to ACE-WIL. She suggested a new ACE-WIL initiative, a series of weekly virtual town halls, to promote co-op and work-integrated learning during co-op and WIL month in March 2019. The monthly collaborative and informative sessions would not have been possible without Helena, and I can’t stress enough how fundamental they were to the success of the association this past year.

In the past two years Helena has been instrumental to helping ACE-WIL pivot and respond in a time of tremendous challenge and upheaval. And she did so with grace, calm, and enthusiasm. Working more closely with Helena has been incredibly rewarding and inspiring.

Congratulations, Helena and thank you for your outstanding contributions to ACE-WIL!