As the PD Committee wraps up the Spring 2022 PD event, we want to thank all members who were able to join the PD Committee on March 9th and May 4th, 2022. Both of the sessions were meant to inspire us to action – locally and globally – and both sessions delivered! Thoughtful self-reflection activities, break out room discussions, and networking activities were woven in to each inspiring and informative presentation to support our WIL community to RESET, REFRESH and REIMAGINE as WIL practitioners.

March 9, 2022

Indigenous Resource Hub- a collective journey towards reconciliation in WIL

  • Members experienced a self-location and self-identifying activity through the skillful and thoughtful guidance of Julianna Nielsen to help members engage in a practice designed to decolonize our practices, strengthen our relationships and inspire us in to action
  • Explored the Indigenous WIL Resource Hub – filled with resources that aim to help us decolonize our practices and inspire us in to action
  • Viewed, discussed and reflected on the recently released video “Coaching Session: The Resources in Action”
  • 38 members logged in to the Zoom event
  • 9 members provided post-event feedback with 4 rating the event as very good, and 5 as excellent!
  • Received positive feedback that the Indigenous Resource Hub resources will assist members to engage in meaningful conversations with employers about their interest in working with Indigenous students

Special thanks to our speakers: Karima Ramji, Associate Director, UVic Co-op and Career Services, International, Indigenous and Strategic Initiatives, Renée Livernoche, UVic Le,NONET Experiential Learning Coordinator + Julianna Nielsen, Project Assistant, Indigenous Co-op/WIL Resource Hub

May 4, 2022

Making the global personal: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in WIL and Career Curricula

  • Following the March 9th PD session, the ACE-WIL PD team led a self-location exercise in break out rooms
  • Explored why WIL practitioners should care about the UN SDGs as a framework to help us, and our students, consider our purpose within the focus on people, the planet, prosperity, peace and partnerships
  • Engaged in lively breakout sessions and a networking activity to support member engagement and build connections
  • 76 members logged in to the Zoom event
  • 31 members provided feedback
  • Members reported the PD session provided a starting point and inspiration for more learning and conversations around the UN SDGs
  • Interest in a Community of Practice to share ideas, successes and resources
  • The Zoom recording is available on the ACE-WIL website If you were not able to attend the event, we recommend you take time to view the informative and engaging PD session!

Special thanks to our speaker: Candy Ho, inaugural Assistant Professor, Integrative Career and Capstone Learning, UFV. Holds teaching positions at KPU, Educational Studies, and at Douglas College Career Development Practitioner Program. Candy also taught at UBC, Counselling Psychology and Special Education.

UN SDG Resource Pack added to the ACE-WIL Resource Hub

Following the insightful and engaging May 4th PD session with Dr. Candy Ho on the UN SDG’s in WIL and Career Curricula,  many ACE-WIL members noted the importance of keeping the conversation going around membership engagement in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). We know that members within our ACE-WIL community are engaging in various initiatives, programs and experiences that align with and contribute to the UN SDGs. We encourage you to take a look through the ACE-WIL Resource Hub SDG Resources and even better, contribute to the hub by sharing your resources about any initiatives, programs and experiences that you and your institutions are engaged in!