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How to write a job posting

How to write a job posting

1) Include a clear job title.

Most job seekers search for posted jobs by job title—choose a title that reflects the position (e.g., “summer research assistant” is more clear than “summer student”).

2) Identify the ESSENTIAL qualifications and skills, and those that are important.

Great candidates may avoid applying to a job if they don’t have every qualification, so be specific about what’s required and what would be an asset. This may include degree requirements/certifications, work experience, software knowledge, etc.

3) Be clear about what the role entails, why it’s important, and how it fits within the larger organization.

Provide specific details of what is expected of someone in the posted role (if there’s someone in the position currently, check in with this person for an update on the current responsibilities as the role may have changed since the last time it was posted). How does the role fit within the organization? How much responsibility is involved and what is the reporting structure? Remember, what seems obvious to you may not be evident to the applicant.

4) Describe your workplace culture.

Include information about the organizational culture so that candidates get a sense of what your organization is like beyond the posted position.
Is your organization entrepreneurial, with flexible work hours, dress code and time off? Are your work hours structured? What are the expectations for innovation, support and learning?

5) Describe the type of work style that you’re looking for.

What type of personality will fit well within your organization? Do you have staff members who are interested in changing all the time, or staff members who follow protocol well?

6) Be direct:

Avoid using workplace or local jargon— This is your chance to be descriptive and clear.

7) Point out what makes your organization and industry interesting.

Is your organization growing? Is the industry changing? Sell the positives of your organization, industry and this position to attract candidates who are excited about contributing their skill set and energy.

8) Address salary expectations and other benefits.

It may be helpful to list a salary range or explain that salary will depend on experience. This will help candidates determine if the remuneration fits with their budget constraints. Listing additional benefits such as training or transportation can also help your posting stand out.

9) List contact information.

Include details on how applicants should submit their applications, and to whom they should address their applications.

10) Include the following information, if appropriate:

Job location, whether the role is full-time, permanent or temporary, and an outline of the recruitment process.

11) For co-op positions, list the competencies that you’re looking for.

If you’re posting a co-op position, consider including the core, program-specific, intercultural and professional competencies that students can expect to develop on the work term.

12) For co-op positions, ask for feedback.

If you’re posting a co-op position and have a current co-op student in your workplace, ask this student to contribute feedback. He or she may be able to provide insight on what would attract another student to the role.


Source: University of Victoria


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