In this 2-year program students learn the advanced design tools, theory, and processes used in graphic design for print and web while working directly with public clients in a mentored studio setting.  The program includes 2 work-integrated learning options : 

Graphic Design Client Studio 

Students work with real clients in VCC’s Studio Nuvo and are able to complete a variety of design projects under the guidance of an instructor (including logos/branding, print design, packaging, website design, photo/video, and social media content). Projects are paid and are typically completed in two months.

Graphic Design Final Practicum

Graphic design students finish the program with a 120-hour practicum, completed during 3-4 weeks. During this time, the students work full-time with an industry partner. Practicums are unpaid but industry partners must have a senior designer or creative director on site who can guide students as they work.